Author: Jeremy Cabral

Support an Environmental Event in 2008

It is important for every organisation and business to show the community their support EnvironmentalEnvironmental Events Calendard 2008 events. Supporting Environmental events is also a great way to improve your company/brand's image and public perception.

Some of our Promotional Products we recommend to show support for Environmental Events:

* Enviro-friendly Tote Bags
* Recycled Newspaper Pencils
* Customised Seed sticks and Custom Printed Seed pots
*Recycled Plastic Rulers - Australian Made
*Recycled Plastic Frisbees - Australian Made

All of these products are ideal for Councils, Government departments and organisations who aim to promote a message about improving our environment.

Here's a list of some of the environmental events taking place this year in Australia :

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

* International Year of Planet Earth 2008
* Earth Sciences for Society - an International Year of Planet Earth
* International Year of Sanitation 2008
* International Year of the Reef 2008


* Australia Day - 26th


* World Wetlands Day - 2nd
* Sustainable Living Festival - 15th to 17th
* "Old Forests, New Management" Conservation and uses of old-growth forests in the 21st Century – 17th to 21st
* Business Cleanup Day - 26th
* Schools Cleanup Day - 29th
* Sydney Harbour Week - 29th


* Clean up Australia Day - 2nd
* Seaweek - 2nd to 8th
* Ground Water Awareness Week – 9th to 15th
* Forestry Day – 21st
* World Day for Water - 22nd
* World Meteorological Day - 23rd


* Prevention of Animal Cruelty Month
* Planning Institute Australia 2008 Conference: A Climate for Change - 13th to 16th
* Water Down Under - 15th to 18th
* Earth Day - 22nd
* Arbor Day - 25th


* International Biodiversity Day - 22nd
* World Turtle Day – 23rd


* World Environment Day - 5th
* Going Green Expo - 5th to 8th
* World Oceans Day - 8th
* World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought - 17th


* NAIDOC 2008 - 6th to 13th
* Schools Tree day - 25th
* National Tree Day - 27th


* National Science Week - 16th to 24th
* Keep Australia Beautiful Week - 25th to 31st


* Biodiversity month - all September
* Wattle Day - 1st
* Landcare week - 1st to 7th
* National Threatened Species Day - 7th
* National Bilby Day - 14th
* Sustainable House Day - 13th and 14th
* World Water Monitoring Day - 18th
* Clean Up the World Weekend - 20th and 21st
* World Car-free Day - 22nd


* Energy Awareness Month - All October
* International Walk to School Month - All October
* Walk to Work Day - 3rd (TBC)
* World Animal Day - 4th
* World Habitat Day - 6th
* World Food Day - 16th
* National Ride to Work Day - 15th
* National Water Week - 19th to 25th


* National Recycling week - 10th to 16th
* World Fisheries Day – 21st


* Coastcare week - 1st to 7th
* International Volunteer Day - 5th
* International Mountain Day - 11th

(source: Department of Environment and Heritage)

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