What colors do you see around you and which ones attract you? Dr. Robyn McMaster wrote an interesting post on June 28th, titled …Change Comes Through Colors that Attract. Now we see interesting news again on that topic … reported by the University of New South Wales… who tell us that true colors are in your brain. Their brain wave images showed people’s ability to see color and they are wondering if these images and new discovery could provide a tool that could help people who lack human color perception. regions of the creative brain.jpg

This is a key area of research for those who see colors inaccurately. Not surprisingly… this research finding by a University of New South Wales PhD student, Ms Mei Ying Boon, recently earned her a nomination in this year's Fresh Science Awards.

We do know that problems such as glaucoma tend to alter people's ability to accurately see color. But it’s a new discover to connect brain activity as a way to diagnose and monitor diseases and conditions that affect color vision pathways in the brain.

Poor color and inaccurate vision is more than mere embarrassment for those who come to work with odd socks… it can also be a serious safety issue when working in some workplaces, which use color to code electrical wiring or digital designs. Look back again for the latest in this attempt to see how you see the colors around you.

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