I cam across this very interesting event, icalvyn.com & myexhost.com have a sponsorship program. It consists or your own dot.com and hosting, domain & content will fully own by you and you need to achieve the following:


1. You must update your blog at least twice a week.
2. Your must build traffic, maintain at least 100 unique visitor/days at the 6th month and achieve 200 unique visitor/days after 11th month from this sponsorship program (Adjustable depend on performance)
3. You must maintain a sponsor banner and link of sponsor on your blog
4. ~~~That All~~~
5. write a short story about this program on your current blog.
6. Worry to achieve target traffic? Easy like drink water if you follow icavlyn.com's tips.

For more details about the sponsorship program click here.

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  1. Anonymous said...
    Nice Jan. But it is even better to own your own domain and hosting by yourself. That way, you are not obligated to do anything.

    So we start promoting our free domain and hosting program (you start with your own - get it now :-) )
    Anonymous said...
    yeah..icalvyn is my rustable friend..so r u interested to have own domain and hosting too??
    haha..it's good to have own la cos looks more pro..
    Sedna said...
    @Bloggista, I will po!!

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